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    Welcome to the Club Penguin Times site! we are one of the only Club Penguin army news and cheat sites left. we strive to get the best cheats and army news for the readers.
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    E-mail us at timesofcp@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions
  • The Team

    Money: Creator and Head of Everything

    Soccer: Second in Command of Everything

    Ashpie: Head Reporter

    Pinky: Head Reporter

    Open: Reporter

    Open: Reporter

  • Army of The Week

  • June 2024
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    Lilbeclil on Top Ten Armies of the Wee…
    Money on Grey is not the new Color
    Soccer793 on Grey is not the new Color
    Money on Grey is not the new Color
    Soccer793 on Grey is not the new Color
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    Club Penguin Times ™ Money123 432 Studios United States Inc. © 2009. All Rights Reserved
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Introducing the CP Times E-Mail!

Hi Guys im here with some big news!

we now have a E-Mail! if you have a question, suggestion, or anything else email us at timesofcp@gmail.com

Read the Post Below and answer the Poll!


P.S. Check Out The New Pages

Army Of The Week

Also there will be a new thing called  ” Moneys Monthly © ” Starting November 1st. its going to be a big post that comes out the first day of every month. it will be about the top ten armies and what we should expect from them the coming month, and many more things!

Hi Guys heres the First ever army of the week!



Join GW Here

Post with the Furniture Catalog Coming later Today!

if you want to be the next army of the week comment Here





Quick Note

hi Guys i have trouble uploading pics for the cheats in the new Furniture Catalog so the post might be up later, sorry for the Delay!


Hi and some news!

As you may or may have not noticed I am added to the blog. Yesterday I was trying to make this post but it didn’t work till today. Now for the news: Remember the clouds over the dojo? Now you can see it from the mountain, ski village, and iceburg.

Reviewed By You

hey Guys heres a reviewed by you! this weeks review is by Katerstone here it is

When I decorate my igloo, I like to “make” my own decorations out of smaller ones. For example, I make a graveyard out of tombstones and spider webs that takes up the whole igloo. When I finish decorating, I throw a party with my buddies and we have a costume contest or act out an old Halloween story. My advice is to keep your igloo designs original and to have fun doing it!



And Club Penguins 4th anniversary  Party is on the 24th! there will be a new year book also Yay!

whats your favorite memory of Club Penguin this past year?



Hello! I’m Pinkgirl3919, you can just call me Pinky for short 😉 I’ll be posting here, so, yea. 😆 A fact that I know about Club Penguin is, that Club Penguin has 121 USA Servers! Now that’s alot to choose from. 😉

-Pinky :mrgreen:

I’m a 1000 days old!

hey Guys!

my penguin is 1000 days old today!!!

i have alot of memories with my penguin. i also have another penguin named Simmer hes around 100 i think and heres a pic of my 1000 day old penguin


How old is your penguin?


Grey is not the new Color

the following is taken from Club Penguin

Remember the You Decide Poll with the rough art of the Gnome costume for the new November Stage? We got quite a few people asking why the penguins are always grey in these pictures. Some of you even asked if it’s a new penguin color that’s coming out!

It’s not a new penguin color… but we do put the clothes on grey penguins for a reason. Grey is neutral – which means it doesn’t look strange next to a different color. If we were to use a yellow or dark blue penguin all the time when we designed clothes, we might end up making a lot of clothing items that look really good on yellow or dark blue penguins, but nothing else! Using a grey penguin gives us the best chance of creating clothing items with colors that work on all penguins.

so grey is not the new color 😦

also if you want to be a reporter on this site and be an author please comment your name, email, experience in armies and cheat sites.


Top Ten Armies of The Week

Heres the top ten armies of the week!

1. ACP

2. IW

3. Nachos

4. UMA

5. WW

6. GW

7. Tacos


9. BP

10. HSA

Thats All!


We need a Banner and Header

Hey! do you know anyone that good with graphic design? can that person make us a Banner and Header? comment if you know someone and read posts below.
