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    Money on Grey is not the new Color
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Anyone out there?

If so, can someone please delete me off the site? Thanks, that’d be helpful.. 🙂

Halloween Free Item

heres the new HALLOWEEN free item



It is in the plaza.halloween 2


There is also a background if you find all the candy

Pretty Cool Party Right?


4th B-day Hat

Hi Guys, the 4th b-day hat came out yesterday! ( sorry for not posting earlier but club penguin was down a lot yesterday ) and it got extended one day!

Edit: i will have the pic up soon, buts like cotton candy color light blue and purple pink.

Thats all!


Birthday Cakes

All authors please post in the next couple days or i will have to remove you from the site, and if you want to be a reporter or a our graphic designer please just comment and ask.

Club penguin made a post on their site talk about the birthday cakes heres a pic

cake pics

i have been to all the birthday parties except the first one how about you?


Reviewed By You

hi, there is a new reviewed by you its by Danjot1 here it is

My favorite thing was definately the quest at the mideval party, who can forget that great solid gold armor, shields with the gleaming red jewel, and the gold helmet? And the shining pool of water in the last cavern and the most beautiful music… and the tree house! Oh I loved the dragon in the mine, me and my friends would stand beside it and before we would get hit by the fire we would wave our solid gold shields in the air and the dragon would be defeated! Those surely were some “knights” to remember!

medival pic


Pretty Cool Huh?


4th Birthday Cake!

Hey, Today an awesome pin its the 4th anniversary cake its at the boiler room

cake pin

And don’t forget that tomorrow is the birthday party!


Top Ten Armies of the Week

Hi Money here with another Army of the week!

  1. ACP
  2. IW
  3. Nachos
  4. Tacos
  5. GW
  6. UMA
  7. WW
  8. HSA
  9. FW ( Welcome Back )
  10. BP

Remember to Read The Posts Below!


Storm’s Coming

Hi Guys, Todays theres a new newspaper and “G” talks about the storm

he says it will hit the island just in time for the Halloween Party!

and he also says the storm won’t leave so quickly this time and he will talk to other scientists. maybe its a new mission! that would be awesome!

 cp storm

And don’t forget, CP’s b-day party is in 2 days!


Party Talk

Hey, Today Happy777 talks to a party planner, heres what he says!

Is it challenging to make such a HUGE cake for the Anniversary Party? Doesn’t it make you hungry?
It sure does. That is why being a cake maker requires extreme self control (but I did go home and make a giant cake anyhow…)!


What’s your fave party from the past year & why?
Definitely the Medieval party! Putting on my fish knight costume and waddling amongst the dragons and fellow gallant adventurers was an experience of epic proportions!


Lots of readers are really curious about the colors of the party hat this year. What can you tell us?
Haha, part of being a super party planner is not revealing secrets. What I can tell you is that it’s my favorite color combination ever! So I’m super excited to share! But not ’til Saturday.


I guess we’ll have to wait and see… Bring your friends and your best memories. Remember: One day only!




Thats All!


Club Penguin Book Series 5

Theres a New Treasure Book check it out


Check out the whole book Here

Cool Right?
