Reviewed By You

hey Guys heres a reviewed by you! this weeks review is by Katerstone here it is

When I decorate my igloo, I like to “make” my own decorations out of smaller ones. For example, I make a graveyard out of tombstones and spider webs that takes up the whole igloo. When I finish decorating, I throw a party with my buddies and we have a costume contest or act out an old Halloween story. My advice is to keep your igloo designs original and to have fun doing it!



And Club Penguins 4th anniversary  Party is on the 24th! there will be a new year book also Yay!

whats your favorite memory of Club Penguin this past year?



Hello! I’m Pinkgirl3919, you can just call me Pinky for short 😉 I’ll be posting here, so, yea. 😆 A fact that I know about Club Penguin is, that Club Penguin has 121 USA Servers! Now that’s alot to choose from. 😉

-Pinky :mrgreen:

I’m a 1000 days old!

hey Guys!

my penguin is 1000 days old today!!!

i have alot of memories with my penguin. i also have another penguin named Simmer hes around 100 i think and heres a pic of my 1000 day old penguin


How old is your penguin?
