Grey is not the new Color

the following is taken from Club Penguin

Remember the You Decide Poll with the rough art of the Gnome costume for the new November Stage? We got quite a few people asking why the penguins are always grey in these pictures. Some of you even asked if it’s a new penguin color that’s coming out!

It’s not a new penguin color… but we do put the clothes on grey penguins for a reason. Grey is neutral – which means it doesn’t look strange next to a different color. If we were to use a yellow or dark blue penguin all the time when we designed clothes, we might end up making a lot of clothing items that look really good on yellow or dark blue penguins, but nothing else! Using a grey penguin gives us the best chance of creating clothing items with colors that work on all penguins.

so grey is not the new color 😦

also if you want to be a reporter on this site and be an author please comment your name, email, experience in armies and cheat sites.


6 Responses

  1. Name: soccer793
    e-mail: (edit this comment, I like my email secret but you can find it in the edits)
    experience: I joined club penguin in March of 2007, I am now 657 days old. A few months later (bout May) I started looking up cp cheats and I was an EXPERT, I’ve also collected every nonmember item (except the ice cream sundea pin) since April so I have plenty experience in cp. As of now, my biggest profession is cp cheats. 😉

  2. I was hoping grey would be a new color because Sensei is grey but now it’s crushed for the next few months.

  3. Oh by the way, I am 957 days old, not 657.

  4. your the new second in command of the site! Congrats!

  5. Your Welcome!

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